Highlights of the latest release
With significant investments made in the area of workflow, the following impressive changes outlined were drastically needed to increase adoption. If you have looked at Workflow in the past, the .NET 4.0 Workflow release bears little resemblance to past releases. With dramatic change comes the obvious pitfall of backward compatibility.
Windows Communication Foundation enhancements
The following enhancements are made to WCF in the .NET 4.0 release:
Easier configuration: Developers do not like to spend time learning and setting up configuration. In WCF 4.0, default values can be set allowing services to be run without any service-specific confirmation files.
Content-based routing service: WCF now has the ability to route inbound requests though information in the SOAP header or actual data inside the message, based on an XPath expression. In addition to this basic routing, error handling has the ability to send requests to alternative destinations in the...