Getting metadata and content
We now know how to list the contents of a folder. What we would want to do next is to probably download content files and list metadata (that is, properties) for individual content items.
Getting metadata and content with the AtomPub binding
If we take a closer look at the end of the AtomPub service document (that is, the response from http://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisatom
), we will find sections with URI templates; one for getting metadata by ID, which is listed as follows:
<cmisra:uritemplate> <cmisra:template> http://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisatom/f0ebcfb4-ca9f-4991-bda8-9465f4f11527/id?id={id}&filter={filter}&includeAllowableActions={includeAllowableActions}&includeACL={includeACL}&includePolicyIds={includePolicyIds}&includeRelationships={includeRelationships}&renditionFilter={renditionFilter} </cmisra:template> <cmisra:type>objectbyid</cmisra:type> <cmisra:mediatype>application/atom+xml;type=entry...