To be able to search for content is one of the main requirements you would have on a CMS system library such as OpenCMIS. And, it supports both searching in metadata and a full-text search in content. Before doing any searches, we first need to see which search features are supported by the repository. We want it to support both a metadata search and FTS:
public void searchMetadataAndFTS(Session session) { // Check if the repo supports Metadata search and // Full Text Search (FTS) RepositoryInfo repoInfo = session.getRepositoryInfo(); if (repoInfo.getCapabilities().getQueryCapability().equals( CapabilityQuery.METADATAONLY)) { logger.warn("Repository does not support FTS [repoName=" + repoInfo.getProductName() + "][repoVersion=" + repoInfo.getProductVersion() + "]"); } else { String query = "SELECT * FROM cmis:document WHERE "+ "cmis:name LIKE 'OpenCMIS%'"; ItemIterable<QueryResult> searchResult = session.query(query, false); ...