Tokens are nothing but variables, as in programming languages, which can be used to run dynamic queries taken from input fields or clicked events. Token name works as a reference to the information which captures value that is used to manage dashboard behavior. The delimiter used for the token is having syntax as $token_name$
The following are a few ways token values can be captured:
Tokens can be used to capture values from an input field
Define the token to specify actions, based on conditions based on the value of the token
Tokens can be defined in a search string, using values based on previously defined tokens
Splunk Enterprise pre-defined default tokens
The tokens can be used in various locations and use cases on the Splunk dashboard, as described here:
Search events: The result of a search based on the token value can be changed using search metadata tokens
Form inputs: Depending upon the selection of the input value, the results in the visualization change
Drilldown tokens: Depending...