We’ve covered a lot of material in this book and built several machines. We’ve also made use of other machines in our toolchain, including 3D printers, other CNC machines, and external machine shops, to effectively set up and utilize our tools. We learned about machines of varying complexity and explored some of the options available to us, not just for the hobbyist but for those who want to take CNC beyond the desktop.
While we have looked at several ways that you can CNC, we also have touched on some very complex means by which you can machine materials, using different concepts. Underneath all these mechanical approaches, the software and the concepts they use are consistent. All of them use some flavor of G-code that is generated by software that derives the toolpath from the base drawing.
As you explore your CNC aspirations, always consider looking ahead and exploring newer technologies. At a minimum, you should have some way to cut with a spindle and...