The Qt team released Qt 3D Studio 2.1 earlier this week. Qt 3D Studio 2.1 explore features such as sub-presentations, scene preview, and runtime improvements.
Qt 3D Studio 2.1 is a design tool that is used for creating 3D user interfaces as well as for adding 3D content into Qt-based applications. Qt 3D Studio helps with easily designing the 3D content look & feel, animations and user interface states.
There are two new features added in the Editor in Qt 3D Studio 2.1, namely, Sub-presentations and Scene Preview.
This feature provides an option to embed another Studio presentation or a QML file within a Studio presentation. For example, you can divide the design work into smaller projects and make reusable components.
Managing the Sub-Presentations as well adding them into views is easy with the Qt 3D Studio 2.1. There’s a project browser option that shows all the Qt Quick files (.qml) as well as the Qt 3D Studio presentations (.uip) that have been imported to the main project. These files can then be added to a scene layer or as a texture to an object by dragging them from the project browser onto the scene.
Sub-Presentations can now be easily viewed in the scene view allowing you to see the whole user interface while creating the design.
Qt 3D Studio 2.1 release comes with a new option used for Scene Preview for times when you’re working with different camera views (perspective, top etc.). This is super handy when aligning objects in the scene.
The runtime side in Qt 3D Studio 2.1 mainly focuses on performance and stability improvements. The Qt team is working on writing a new API that will help replace the old runtime in the Qt 3D Studio Editor. In the future releases, the new API will also be capable of performing dynamic content creation from the application side.
Support for compressed textures which is already a feature in Qt 5.11 has been also added to the Qt 3D Studio runtime. So you can improve the loading time and also save memory in devices supporting ETC2 or ASTC Compressed textures by compressing the textures.
Asset compression management feature will also be added in the Editor side in the future releases of Qt 3D Studio.
For more information, check out the official documentation.
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