Experienced web developers reveal what’s needed to get ahead of the curve – and stay there!
We’ve asked eight members of Packt’s author community to weigh in on what developers who are just starting their careers can do to get that competitive edge. These experienced developers have some useful tips for the web devs of tomorrow:
Find your niche and dig in
Harold Dost, Principal Consultant at Raastech, recommends that fledgling developers should take time to see what tools are available – these will help you build a strong knowledge foundation and pave the way to becoming an expert. Mapt, a skill learning platform for developers, is one of the best resources out there witha growing library of over 4,000 tech eBooks and video courses.
As far as building your skillset goes, Harold says that you should “hone a core skill (maybe two or three), and then diversify on the rest. This will allow you to specialise and give you the in-depth knowledge which will be necessary as you go further in your career.”
This doesn’t mean you should just pick a few things and then that’s that for the rest of your career though. You have to be on the lookout for new opportunities and directions to expand your skillset. Haroldagrees, saying that, “at the same time as specialising, be sure to keep learning about new technologies to allow you to grow and improve the work you produce.”
Keep learning and start writing
Luis Augusto Weir, Oracle ACEDirector and Principal at Capgemini UK, encourages web devs to “be to be passionate about learning and, of course, about coding.” There are so many ways to educate yourself, but he thinks that reading books is still the best thing you can do to further your education.
“Reading books is surely a way to get ahead,” Luis says, “as well as lots of other interactive ways to learn like YouTube, blogs, online courses and so on.Not only does a huge amount of effort go into writing books, but nothing beats a good book to read whilst on the train, or bus. Bringing a book with you wherever you go means you’re always equipped to learn.”
Adrian Ward, who is an Oracle ACE Associate and runs the Addidici OBIEE consultancy, affirms that in addition to reading, writing was also a crucial part of his education. Adrian says that writing anything, including “blogs, articles, books or presentations,” will give you a better understanding of the topics you are learning and compel you to keep learning new things. “If you’re writing about something, you certainly have to learn about it first!”
Belén Cruz Zapata, a Mobile Software Engineer at Groupon, advises developers to “keep learning new thing.”She has first-hand experience with the benefits of blog writing, showing that writing can create opportunities for developers. Belén recounts how she came to write a book for us, saying, “I have a blog that I used to write a review about Android Studio when it was announced for the first time. Packt found my article and contacted me to write a book about it.”
Recharge your batteries
Sten Vesterli, Senior Principle Consultant at Scott/Tiger, says that as a developer you need “to manage your energy, and find ways to replenish it when it's running low."
This is such an important skill that developers need to learn. Stenreasons that “if you have high energy, you can learn any skill and it will remain employable. If you have low energy, you will have a hard time learning something new and will be in danger of being left behind by technological changes.”
Every developer will have to figure out their own recharging strategy. Sten says, “I've found that meditation and triathlons work for me, but others will have different things that give them energy.”There is no wrong way to recharge – whether it’s binge watching your favorite show, going for a run, hanging out with friends, or something else – so make sure you block out some time for you to do you.
Do what works
Phil Wilkins, Senior Consultant at Capgemini, urges graduates and fledgling web devs to challenge both fads and the status quo by thinking critically about the work they are doing and the tools they are using. You need to ensure that you’re not solely using a piece of tech out of habitor prioritizing novelty for novelty’s sake. Make sure that the direction you’re going is relevant and the tools you’re using are the ones best suited for the job.
Phil says, “Many will consider me a heretic, but the industry is sometimes a little quick with the next shiny thing and some 'not-invented-here' thinking. I think you should challenge those around you to really understand the tools they’re using, and question whether they’re the right tools to do the job well. Reflecting on what you’re doing and challenging yourself, or being challenged by someone else, to do something better will drive better understanding and insight that can then be applied in later life.”
Stay curious; ask questions
Phil also advocates for developers to keep their sense of curiosity. He says, “Questioning why something is a good answer to a problem is as important as to how to answer the problem.”
Phil adds that “understanding this may not make you a guru, but it will give you a foundation to work with peers in an engaging manner and set you up for future success. Ultimately IT is here to solve problems, and knowing why certain things are good answers rather than that they simply are good answers, means you stand the best chance of developing good solutions.”
Network your face off
Adrian Ward, who earlier emphasized the importance of writing, has another crucial piece of advice for those getting started with web development. It can be summed up in a single word: Network.
You’ve probably heard it a million times already, but networking can really help you get a foot in the door. Many of Packt’s experts confirm that getting out there and connecting with people within your industry is an effective tactic for getting ahead.
“Just get involved with the community,” Adrian says.
There are so many ways to connect with people these days, so you can start with a method that you’re most comfortable with and then go from there. You can go to events organized by your university or college, go to conferences or local tech meet-ups, or even look for people to connect with on LinkedIn.
Apply for jobs that will help you grow
Robert van Mölken, Senior Integration and Cloud Specialist for AMIS, advises graduates and fledgling web devs who are looking for jobs to actively seek out employers that invest in their employees. As a developer, this means that the company has training and incentives to keep you up to date with the latest tech and ideas.
“Things are changing so fast these days that you can’t sit still if you want to be relevant in two years time," Robert says. "Companies that allow their developers to go to conferences, both locally and further afield, will find that they will learn upcoming skills much faster, going beyond the point of knowledge you can get from investing in and learning from books.”
Robert recommends that you, “invest some personal time to experiment with new technologies and IT innovations. Don’t fall behind on stuff just because you are comfortable with what you do every day at work. Find opportunities to speak up, to give presentation about what you learned, and share your experiences. Then you will get noticed, and a world of possibilities will open up to you.”
Remember: You’ve got this
Sreelatha Sankaranarayanan, Information Developer at IBM, thinks that the young developers of today have generally got it together. She says, “I think they are doing things right. They are willing to learn, explore and experiment. They have fewer inhibitions, are more confident and are willing to go all out. Good luck is all that I would like to say to them.”
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