Making it real
This section shows how our friends at Acme Bank (who we met in Chapter 8, Adoption with the Three-Pillar Model) formed their top priorities for their roles and teams by applying the Zero Trust Playbook Series.
Acme recognizes that Zero Trust is a long-term initiative but wants Zero Trust now! Acme is taking an agile approach where each team is getting started immediately on the top priorities while building more detailed and complete plans based on the playbooks. Acme expects the teams will have to adjust their priorities and plans as the environment changes and they learn, but they aren’t waiting to get started on Zero Trust.
Acme Bank held a Zero Trust kickoff meeting with the bank’s leadership and other leaders and stakeholders from across technology and security teams. The group discussed business and Zero Trust priorities, identifying top priorities for each team in the bank to get started on immediately. Each team is prioritizing Zero Trust...