Hiring a writer
SEO professionals know how to write engaging and keyword-rich content, but most have a little secret: they write very little of their own content. These webmasters turn to SEO copyrighters. An SEO copyrighter is simply a writer who has written in a search environment, and therefore knows how to craft titles, headings, and body copy, based on a keyword or keyword group.
Regular writers will certainly do in a pinch; you might need to tweak content provided by regular writers to achieve SEO goals. You can also always employ regular writers when your content is intended for other than purely ranking purposes, such as with ordinary blog posts or company updates.
When you hire an SEO copyrighter, the good copyrighters will ask for a few key parameters before they write, "What are the keywords?" and "What sort of keyword density do you want?" These questions are signs of a copyrighter with SEO experience. Ideally, your writer will let you dictate specific keyword phrases, will write...