Installing Apache on your system
Some operating systems come bundled with the Apache web server as a matter of course. Others provide packages in their repositories, which allow you to quickly install Apache with a working default configuration.
Getting ready
Start by checking whether Apache is already installed on your system. If it is, Webmin should recognize it and place the Apache Webserver module in the Servers section of its menu.
How to do it...
Follow these steps to set up Apache on your system:
Follow steps described in the recipe Installing software packages in Chapter 1, Setting Up Your System, to find and install the Apache web server package. You should use the Apache 2 package if available.
Depending on your system, the Apache version 2 package may be named
or simplyhttpd
.If you're using the
firewall, follow steps described in the recipe Allowing access to a service through the firewall in Chapter 3, Securing Your System, to allow incoming connections on port...