Adding the calculators to our calculator app
Now that we have our project ready, we can start working on our app. We start with adding the route definition to map URL paths to the page components that we will create. Then we will work on the components for each feature. And then we will add the Vuex store with code to persist the store data to local storage so we can use the data whenever we want.
Adding routes
First, we will work on adding routing to our calculator app. In the src/router/index.ts
file, write the following code:
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from '@ionic/vue- router'; import { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'; const routes: Array<RouteRecordRaw> = [ Â Â { Â Â Â Â path: '/', Â Â Â Â component: () => import('../views/Home.vue') Â Â }, Â Â { Â Â Â Â path: '/currency-converter', Â Â Â Â component: (...