End-to-end testing with nightwatch
Sometimes unit tests just don't cut it. We may need to integrate two features developed independently and, while each works and is unit tested, there is no easy way to test them along with a unit test. Also, it defeats the purpose of unit tests--testing atomic units of the software. Integration testing and e2e (end-to-end) testing can be performed in these cases. Nightwatch is software that basically mimics a user clicking and typing around in a website. This is probably what we want as an ultimate verification that the whole system works.
Getting ready
Before beginning your journey in this somewhat advanced recipe, you should already be familiar with the command line and npm. Check the Choosing a development environment recipe if you are not familiar with them.
How to do it...
Create a new folder for this recipe and create a new file inside it, named index.html
This file will contain our Vue application and it is what we will test. Write the following in this...