Webpack is a module bundler for the web. Some people also refer to it as an asset compiler for web applications.
According to webpack's GitHub page:
"It packs many modules into a few bundled assets and so on. Modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, images, JSON, CoffeeScript, LESS, and so on, and your custom stuff."
Earlier in this chapter, in the section titled Working with modules in Node.js, we barely scratched the surface of how modules get exported and required in Node apps. What we did not mention is that there are all kinds of different module syntaxes that we can use. As already mentioned, Node.js works with the CommonJS module syntax. Besides CommonJS, there is also Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD). Alongside AMD, you can use ESM modules. With ESM modules, the syntax is a bit different from what we saw earlier.
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