Surveys and petitions
CiviCRM is open source software and is very much driven and developed, based on the needs of the organizations using the software. In fact, much of the functionality in CiviCRM is a direct result of organizations needing to extend the system to meet a particular need, and then working with the core team to contribute those modifications back to the core software. The campaign tools are one example of this, as they were largely contributed—then later extended—by an organization involved in voter advocacy efforts.
The upside of this model is that CiviCRM is continually being expanded and improved by the community of organizations using it on a daily basis. The downside is that we sometimes get functionality where the initial implementation is very specific and narrow in scope. Over time, it may be more generalized, and yet the remnants of its history are still present. To some degree, we see this to be the case with Surveys and Petitions.
Let's first...