Material user interface
Now that we know what a Material is and what it does, let's take a look at the user interface of Material graph.

The Toolbar panel contains various buttons that help to preview graph nodes, remove isolated nodes, Material stats, and so on. Let's take a look at what these buttons do:
- Save: Applies the changes you made to the Material and saves the asset
- Find in CB: Navigates and selects this Material in Content Browser
- Apply: Applies the changes to the Material. Note that this will not save the Material
- Search: Searches for Material expressions or comments
- Home: Navigates to and selects the main canvas node
- Clean Up: Removes unconnected nodes
- Connectors: Shows or hides unconnected pins
- Live Preview: Toggles a real-time update of preview material
- Live Nodes: Toggles a real-time update of graph nodes
- Live Update: Recompiles a shader for every node in the graph
- Stats: Toggles Material stats and compilation errors
- Mobile Stats: Same as stats but for mobile
Live nodes...