Changing the tempo, key signature, and time signature within the Song
You can change the tempo, key signature, and time signature as many times as you like throughout your Song. Studio One handles these changes using the Global Track family. Global Tracks by default span the entire arrangement and each of them controls a dedicated function, allowing you to view and modify the status of their respective functions throughout the arrangement. These tracks are always active, but by default they are hidden from view. To reveal them, click the Global Track Visibility button:
![Figure 4.2: The Global Track Visibility button](
Figure 4.2: The Global Track Visibility button
In this section, we will work with two of these Global Tracks: Signature and Tempo. Let’s start by looking at how you can change tempo throughout your Song.
Using the Tempo Track to change your Song’s tempo
You may want to apply subtle tempo changes to breathe life into a recording that sounds mechanical, or you may want...