A MIDI CC is a message category that adds extra functionality to a MIDI message.
We already saw that MIDI CC numbers get assigned to physical controls of MIDI controllers that we can map to a parameter in Live.
However, MIDI CCs can also be used to control the functions of some hardware synths.
In our example, we will control the filter cutoff of my Moog Minitaur using MIDI CC, without actually touching any knobs on the synth, and later record the filter cutoff movements manually from the synth and capture it into a clip envelope in Live!
Before we dive into that, let’s look at a few more things about MIDI CCs.
We have 127 MIDI CC numbers, and they can have a value between 0 and 127. How these MIDI CCs have been implemented can vary between manufacturers, so it is recommended to check! It is like that for my Moog Minitaur, and how the MIDI CCs have been implemented can be found here: https://midi.user.camp/d/moog/minitaur/.
Now that we have learned...