When we create a dashboard, we want users to have the best experience possible. The faster the dashboard starts up, the better it is. When a selection is made and data needs to be refreshed, we want the charts and tables in the dashboard to change as soon as possible. A dashboard that performs poorly usually gets discarded by users because they consider it slow and unusable. As a general rule, we would say that a dashboard needs to load and refresh in a maximum time of 8 seconds.
It can be a difficult job to fix a slow dashboard since a lot of different factors can influence performance. The fact is that a lower number of the following points will result in better performance:
- Number of data manager connections and queries
- Number of used spreadsheet cells
- Amount of data that is loaded into the spreadsheet from the connections
- Number of Excel formulas
- Number of components used and the levels of container nesting (Canvas, Panel, Tab Set)
- Number of bindings from components to the spreadsheet...