Publishing your plugin on
Once our source control needs have been met and our introductory site has been established, we can introduce our plugin to the Redmine community at

Create an account and navigate to the plugin directory at From the plugin management screen, we can register our new plugin via the Register a new plugin link.
To register our plugin, we need to provide some basic information such as the plugin name, identifier, description, home page, code repository, a thumbnail, and any additional installation notes. Next, we'll have to provide details about the current version that we've just released:

The Redmine compatibility section is a series of checkboxes that we set to indicate which version(s) of Redmine our plugin is known to work with.
The Files section can be used to attach an archive of this version of the plugin, assuming it doesn't exceed the maximum file size of 500 KB. If this is the case, we will have to host the file elsewhere and link to it in the Release Notes section, which is available after we publish our plugin or any time we add a new version.