The first design meeting
Tom configured his computer’s display to share with a large 72” OLED 8K screen in the Bumble Bikes conference room. The lights were dimmed. Phoebe, true to character, made popcorn and passed around fizzy water. With everyone seated comfortably, Tom began his presentation by discussing the base object structure. Once the girls were up to speed on the basics, Tom directed the discussion toward creation patterns. As the sisters listened to Tom, it was clear that they held him in high esteem. They appreciated his abilities and the manner in which he adapted to the life fate had dealt him. The sisters were aware that most people are very uncomfortable interacting with someone in a wheelchair, especially if they also have impaired speech. They knew Tom desired to be seen for himself, and the sisters treated Tom as they did any other colleague. The sisters snapped from their collective reverie as Tom began his presentation.
“The first pattern...