In a real-world app, we would place all the calls to our backend in a separate api
folder. For educational purposes, we just mocked the two API calls that are core to our app, addImage
and fetchImages
/*** src/api/index ***/ export default { addImage: function(image) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(()=>{ resolve( '<imgUrl>' ); }, 3000) }) }, fetchImages: function(user = null){ const images = [ {id: 1, src: '<imgUrl>', user: {pic: '<imgUrl>', name: 'Naia'}}, {id: 2, src: '<imgUrl>', user: {pic: '<imgUrl>', name: 'Mike_1982'}}, {id: 5, src: '<imgUrl>', user: {pic: '<imgUrl>', name: 'Sharer1'}}, {id: 3, src: '<imgUrl>', user: {pic: '<imgUrl>', name: 'Naia'}}, {id: 6, src: '<imgUrl>', user: {pic: '<imgUrl>', name: 'Sharer1'}}, {id: 4, src: '<imgUrl>', user: {pic: '<imgUrl>', ...