Using ODBC and OLE DB drivers
First, what the acronyms mean:
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLE DB)
You may already know what these are, and we will not go into detail about how these drivers work on the inside but, in general terms, we can think of them as "query translators", which enable the communication between an application (such as QlikView) and the DBMS. Since they have been in use for a long time, almost all major DBMS vendors provide access via ODBC and/or OLE DB drivers.
Installing the drivers
When you use a printer, it requires you to install a driver on your computer so the documents you send to print can be received and printed properly. The same is true with the DBMS drivers. You need to install the corresponding driver on the machine you will be sending queries from in order for them to be accurately translated and properly processed by the DBMS, which will, in time, respond to it by sending the requested set of data.