Hardware and software requirements
On the hardware side, you will first need an Arduino Uno board.
For the motor, I chose a small 5V DC motor from Amazon. You can choose any brand that you want for the motor; the important thing is that it has to be rated to work at 5V so that it can be powered directly from Arduino. You can also get a motor that uses higher voltages or currents, but you will need to modify the hardware configuration slightly.
You will also need the L293D motor driver to control the motor from Arduino. This is a dedicated chip that we will use to easily control the motor from LabVIEW. You can also use an alternative to this chip; for example, you can use an Arduino shield that already integrates similar chips on the board. This is, for example, the case of the official Arduino motor shield, which integrates the L298D chip. However, you would need to modify the code slightly if you are using a shield instead of the chip alone.
Finally, you will need a breadboard and jumper wires...