that is available online. Typically, we access Prezi using our favorite browser. Using this browser, we create and edit our prezis. We store them in our Prezi account where they are available for as long as we need. When we need to present our prezi, we do it while we are online or use the portable prezi that we created. Easy!
But did you know that Prezi also comes with a program that can be downloaded to your computer? This program is called Prezi for Windows and Prezi for Mac. This program is the same tool that we can access in the online version, and it comes in very handy if you need to work on your prezis without being online (such as in trains, planes, and so on).
Prezi for Windows/Mac is part of the Pro account, which means that it is a feature for which you will have to pay extra. But since any Prezi account comes with a 30-day free trial of Prezi for Windows/Mac, it is easy to test before you buy.
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