Running Node-RED on the cloud
This time, we will use IBM Cloud. The reason for this is that IBM Cloud has Node-RED Starter Kit on it. This is a kind of software boilerplate that includes services needed for Node-RED on the cloud, such as a database, CI/CD tools, and more.
If you have not used IBM Cloud yet, don't worry – IBM provides a free IBM Cloud account (Lite account) with no credit card registration needed. You can register for an IBM Cloud Lite account at
Before using Node-RED on IBM Cloud, you need to finish the registration process for your IBM Cloud Lite account.
Important Note
In this book, we strongly recommend that you select a Lite account when using IBM Cloud. You can upgrade from a Lite account to a standard account (PAYG/Pay as you go) at your own will. This means you can automatically upgrade to PAYG by registering your credit card.
Please note that services that can be used free of charge with a Lite account...