The NLTK libraries include a few packages to help solve the issues we experienced in the gender classifier model. The first is the SentimentAnalyzer module, which allows you to include additional features using built-in functions. What's special about these packages is that they go beyond traditional functions where defined parameters are passed in. In Python, arguments (args) and keyword arguments (kwargs) allow us to pass name-value pairs and multiple argument values into a function. These are represented with asterisks; for example, *args or **kwargs. The NLTK SentimentAnalyzer module is a useful utility for teaching purposes, so let's continue by walking through the features that are available within it.
The second is called VADER, which stands for Valence Aware Dictionary and Sentiment Reasoner. It was built to handle social media data. The VADER sentiment library has a dictionary known as a lexicon and includes a rule-based algorithm...