A stack is a data structure where all insertions and deletions are performed at one end. The end at which insertions and deletions are performed is called the top of the stack (tos). The stack is also known as a pushdown list or Last In First Out (LIFO); that is, the last item that is added to the stack is added at the top of all earlier items and will be the first item to be taken out of the stack.
The operations that can be performed on the stack are as follows:
- Push: This pushes the value onto the stack. Before pushing the value onto the stack, the value at the top is incremented to point at the new position where the new value can be pushed.
- Pop: This pops or fetches the value from the stack. The value at the top or the value pointed at by the top is taken out of the stack.
- Peep: This shows the value that is at the top of the stack, that is, the value that is pointed...