Task flows
The main advantage of the ADF controller is the support for task flows. It helps us to break our complex web application into smaller reusable flows. The task flows are simple XML files which support a diagram view to drag-and-drop the activities involved in a particular user scenario. Each of the pages that are involved in the task flow is added as a view activity and the control flows between the pages describe the navigation. The components in the task flows are called as activities and each of the control flows will have an outcome to define the navigation.

In the previous screenshot, the activities are checkAuthorization , noAuthorization , and fileUpload . The control flows are authorized and notAuthorized . The activities are dragged from the Component Palette pane and dropped onto the task flow to define the page flows.
Task flow types
There are two types of task flows available in the ADF controller. They are unbounded task flow and bounded task flow.