Connection options
Mongoose allows you to pass certain options through to both connection methods. If specified, these options will override those set in the connection string.
The options are sent as a JSON object as an optional second parameter to the connection call. For example:
var dbURI = 'mongodb://localhost/mydatabase'; var dbOptions = {'user':'db_username','pass':'db_password'}; mongoose.connect(dbURI, dbOptions);
The options you can use this way are:
user and pass: Username and password for the database, if required and not specified in the connection string.
db: This relates to the DB options available in the Node MongoDB Native driver.
server: This relates to the server options available in the Node MongoDB Native driver.
replset: This option allows you to specify a ReplicaSet. The details of ReplicaSet methods are beyond the scope of this book, but the principle is that you can have one primary database where all the writes are made to, and multiple secondary databases. If the...