Game engines
Generally speaking, each engine can serve several purposes with regard to game genre and no engine can be described as a single-gameplay-style-oriented one. But it is also true that each engine has its own weaknesses and strengths, which make it more or less fit for a specific game genre, a technology, or gameplay styles. In the following sections, we are going to provide a selection of different game engines, mentioning useful information on their strengths and weaknesses, and analyze which purposes each one serves the best. Our selection won't obviously include all game engines available as we write, we will only focus on the most popular, with regard to their features, target platforms, and professional versus educational purposes.
2D game engines
Generally speaking, there are several reasons why a newly assembled team should begin dealing with 2D games.
One is that touchscreens of today's smartphones offer a better support for 2D-style gameplay. Another is that 2D games are...