Batch jobs
Batch jobs are written using a Report object. Typically, batch jobs are not to be done for all the records on a table, but for a set of them. In most cases, it is the user who selects what set of data has to be processed. The Report objects are the ones that best suit these requirements, since they have an interface that allows the users to select options or filter the data.

The previous screenshot is an example of a Batch Post Sales Order report. It is used to post multiple sales orders at once. As we can see in the screenshot, there is an Options tab, and a Sales Order tab that allows the users to filter the data.
In this section, we saw where to write customized code. Besides following the guidelines given in this book, there are other options that will help you choose where to write your code. When you need to write a new functionality, you can search for a similar functionality on the standard application and try to mimic the structure.