Text and word balloons
So now that I've shown you how to use a concentric circle ruler to make word balloons, what about the other text and word balloon functions of Manga Studio 5?
Depending on how you like to work, text and word balloons might be the first or last thing that you do. For me, it's the first. I like having the text figured out already so that I know how much space there is for art, and if I have to make any edits or shorten lines.
My scripts are usually simple. They can look just like this:
Page One
Panel One: Outside, city.
Narration: When you're going up against the strange, it helps to be a little strange.
Panel Two: Outside, city.
Narration: Hi. I'm Steven Strange.
Panel Three: Outside, police station.
Narration: Welcome to Bransonville. Summer, 2013. During the worst heat wave in recorded history.
Page Two
Panel One: Silhouette against the open police station door.
Narration: Bransonville is a supernatural hub. Even in the dead of summer.
Panel Two: Close on Steven, wearing...