Recapping test
So far we have used the built-in test
command to drive our conditional statements. Using other options with test
, we can look at the returned value to determine the status of files in the file system. Running the test without any option will return a false output:
$ test
Testing files
Commonly, we can use test
to check the conditions based around files. For example, to test that a file is present, or not, we can use the-e
option. The following command will test the existence of the /etc/hosts
test -e /etc/hosts
We can run this test again, but this time check that the file not only exists but is a regular file as opposed to having some special purpose. Specific file types can be directories, pipes, links, and so on. The option for a regular file is -f
$ test -f /etc/hosts
Adding logic
If we need to open a file from within our script, we will test that the file is both a regular file and has the read permission set. To achieve this with test
, we can also include the -a