What this book covers
Chapter 1, Knockout Essentials, covers the environment setup and basic use of the Knockout library. It also covers data binding, observables, binding handlers, and extenders, and demonstrates a simple Knockout Contacts List application.
Chapter 2, Extending Knockout with Custom Binding Handlers, gives you in-depth knowledge of how to create and use custom binding handlers. It includes simple single-property binding handlers as well as complex multiproperty binding handlers with templates.
Chapter 3, Extending Knockout with Preprocessors and Providers, teaches you how to use node and binding preprocessors and binding providers to customize Knockout's syntax. It also explores the Knockout Punches library.
Chapter 4, Application Development with Components and Modules, explains how to use RequireJS Asynchronous Module Definitions (AMDs) with Knockout to create organized, modular viewmodels. It also teaches you how to use the new Knockout components feature and how to continue working with the Contacts List demo application.
Chapter 5, Durandal – the Knockout Framework, explores the basics of the Knockout-based Durandal framework. This chapter covers composition, routing, modal dialogs, and custom widgets.
Chapter 6, Advanced Durandal, continues looking at the use of the Durandal framework. This chapter covers events, advanced composition, nested routers, custom dialogs, and the observable plugin.
Chapter 7, Best Practices, takes a deep dive into the inner workings of Knockout. It includes dependency detection and the publish/subscribe implementation, observable inheritance, the template engine, and a complete Knockout utility (ko.utils) reference.
Chapter 8, Plugins and Other Knockout Libraries, gives you an overview of the recommended patterns and practices for Knockout developers.
Chapter 9, Under the Hood, covers several popular Knockout plugins, including Knockout validation, Knockout mapping, and the new Knockout-ES5 plugin.