We will now create an ASP.NET Core Web API application using Visual Studio 2017 IDE. Ensure this prerequisite before starting:
- Install Visual Studio 2017 (do select the .NET Core SDK options while installation). We will be using the community edition all the way. ASP.NET Core 2.0 Preview 2 is used throughout this book
Let's get started with building the ASP.NET Core Web API step by step:
- Open Visual Studio 2017 IDE, click on New Project to open the project templates dialog.
- Under Visual C# Templates, click on .NET Core, and select ASP.NET Core Web Application as shown in the following screenshot:

Create ASP.NET Core project in Visual Studio 2017 IDE
We can also create an ASP.NET Core web application targeting the full .NET framework by web template under the Visual C# section
- Provide an appropriate project name like...