One System Variables in Adobe Captivate returns the position (the latitude and the longitude) of the learner taking the course. Use the following steps to inspect this Variable and understand how it works:
- Still in the takeTheTrain.cptx project, use the Project | Variables menu item to open the Variables dialog.
- At the top of the Variables dialog, change the Type to System.
- Open the View By dropdown.
- Scroll to the end of the list and choose the Mobile item.
- Select the cpInfoGeolocation variable.
As explained in the Description field, the cpInfoGeoLocation variable returns the geographic coordinates of the learner taking the course. It actually returns the Latitude and the Longitude coordinates of the learner (as well as the Accuracy, which is the range of the detected location). This ability is based on the Geolocation capabilities of the device that's used when taking the course.
Note that desktop and laptop computers can also be geolocalized...