Page quality checklist
The page quality checklist is divided into two sections — Content and Aesthetics.
This section contains the following list:
C1: The content isn't simply a repetition of fact. The page contains personal responses to the content. Arguments/opinions are included.
C2: The thoughts are well structured and original.
C3: The page has a clear purpose/objective.
C4: Linked to point C3, an introductory sentence or paragraph could be included to communicate the key objective of the page.
C5: Paragraphs are used appropriately.
C6: The content is free of grammatical/punctuation errors.
C7: Colloquialism/slang is used only when appropriate to the subject of the page or to your style of reflection.
C8: Video included should be short, succinct, and add value to the page content. As a guide, videos longer than two minutes should be considered before inclusion (this is a rough guide, teaching videos or music tracks may be longer, for example).
C9: Audio should also add value...