- activation function / A logistic regressor
- active learning
- about / Using less data – active learning
- labeling budgets, using / Using labeling budgets efficiently
- leverage machines, for human labeling / Leveraging machines for human labeling
- pseudo labeling, for unlabelled data / Pseudo labeling for unlabeled data
- generative models, using / Using generative models
- activity_regularizer / Regularization in Keras
- adam (adaptive momentum estimation) / The Adam optimizer
- adam optimizer / The Adam optimizer
- advantage actor-critic (A2C) model
- about / Advantage actor-critic models
- pendulum, balancing / Learning to balance
- trading / Learning to trade
- aggregate global feature statistics / Aggregate global feature statistics
- Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) / Fine-tuning the NER
- Anaconda
- reference / Running notebooks locally
- anti-discrimination law
- disparate impact / Legal perspectives
- approaches, beyond image classification
- about / Computer vision beyond classification
- facial recognition / Facial recognition
- bounding box prediction / Bounding box prediction
- asynchronous advantage actor-critic (A3C) / Advantage actor-critic models
- attention mechanism
- about / Attention
- auto-sklearn
- reference / Learning how to learn
- autocorrelation / Autocorrelation
- autoencoders
- about / Understanding autoencoders
- for MNIST / Autoencoder for MNIST
- for credit cards / Autoencoder for credit cards
- Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference (AVI) / From probabilistic programming to deep probabilistic programming
- autoregression / ARIMA
- Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (AIRMA)
- about / ARIMA
- AutoWEKA
- reference / Learning how to learn
- AWS deep learning AMI
- reference / Using the AWS deep learning AMI
- using / Using the AWS deep learning AMI
- backtesting
- about / A note on backtesting
- biases / A note on backtesting
- bag of words classification / Bag-of-words
- batchnorm
- about / Batchnorm
- Bayesian deep learning / Bayesian deep learning
- Bayesian inference
- about / An intuitive guide to Bayesian inference
- flat prior / Flat prior
- < 50% prior / <50% prior
- prior / Prior and posterior
- posterior / Prior and posterior
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo / Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- stochastic volatility example / Metropolis-Hastings MCMC
- probabilistic programming, migrating to deep probabilistic programming / From probabilistic programming to deep probabilistic programming
- behavioral economics / Understanding the brain through RL
- Bellman equation
- about / Markov processes and the bellman equation – A more formal introduction to RL, The Bellman equation in economics
- biases, backtesting
- look-Ahead bias / A note on backtesting
- survivorship biasTopicn / A note on backtesting
- psychological tolerance bias / A note on backtesting
- overfitting / A note on backtesting
- bias_regularizer / Regularization in Keras
- bounding box prediction
- about / Bounding box prediction
- YOLO approach / Bounding box prediction
- building blocks, ConvNets in Keras
- Conv2D / Conv2D
- padding / Padding
- input shape / Input shape
- MaxPooling2D / MaxPooling2D
- flatten operation / Flatten
- dense alyers / Dense
- catastrophes / Catastrophes are caused by multiple failures
- Catch
- about / Catch – a quick guide to reinforcement learning
- playing / Training to play Catch
- categorical data / Preparing the data for the Keras library
- causal learning
- about / Causal learning
- causal models, obtaining / Obtaining causal models
- instrument variables / Instrument variables
- nonlinear causal models / Non-linear causal models
- complex system failure
- unfairness approach / Unfairness as complex system failure
- complex systems
- disadvantages / Complex systems are intrinsically hazardous systems
- executing, in degraded mode / Complex systems run in degraded mode
- computers / Our journey in this book
- confusion matrix
- used, for evaluating heuristic model / Evaluating with a confusion matrix
- Conv1D / Conv1D
- Conv2D
- about / Conv2D
- kernel size / Kernel size
- stride size / Stride size
- padding / Padding
- input shape / Input shape
- ReLu activation / ReLU activation
- ConvNet
- building blocks, in Keras / The building blocks of ConvNets in Keras
- training, on MNIST / Training MNIST
- MNIST model / The model
- MNIST dataset, loading / Loading the data
- MNIST dataset, compiling / Compiling and training
- MNIST dataset, training / Compiling and training
- ConvNets
- about / Convolutional Neural Networks
- filters, on MNIST / Filters on MNIST
- second filter, adding / Adding a second filter
- convolve operation
- using / Examining the sample time series
- count vector / Bag-of-words
- covariance stationarity
- about / Different kinds of stationarity
- reference / Installing TensorFlow
- Cython documentation
- reference / Speeding up your code with Cython
- data
- preparing / Preparing the data
- data, Seq2Seq models
- about / The data
- characters, encoding / Encoding characters
- data debugging
- about / Debugging data
- task eligibility, checking / How to find out whether your data is up to the task
- rules / How to find out whether your data is up to the task
- enough data situations / What to do if you don't have enough data
- unit testing / Unit testing data
- privacy, maintaining / Keeping data private and complying with regulations
- best practices / Keeping data private and complying with regulations
- preparation, for training / Preparing the data for training
- inputs, comparing to predictions / Understanding which inputs led to which predictions
- data preparation
- characters, sanitizing / Sanitizing characters
- lemmatization / Lemmatization
- target, preparing / Preparing the target
- train, preparing / Preparing the training and test sets
- test set, preparing / Preparing the training and test sets
- dataset / The data
- Dataset API
- reference / Optimizing your pipeline
- data trap / The feature engineering approach
- deeper network
- creating / A deeper network
- deep learning
- shortcoming / Learning how to learn
- deep neural networks / All models are wrong
- deployment
- about / Deployment
- product launch / Launching fast
- metrics, monitoring / Understanding and monitoring metrics
- data origin / Understanding where your data comes from
- dilated and causal convolution / Dilated and causal convolution
- discrete Fourier transform (DFT) / Fast Fourier transformations
- disparate sample size / Sources of unfairness in machine learning
- dropout
- about / Dropout
- dummy variable / One-hot encoding
- end-to-end (E2E) modeling
- about / E2E modeling
- end-to-end models / Heuristic, feature-based, and E2E models
- entity embeddings
- about / Entity embeddings
- categories, tokenizing / Tokenizing categories
- input models, creating / Creating input models
- model, training / Training the model
- evolutionary strategies (ES) / Evolutionary strategies and genetic algorithms
- 2010 Flash Crash use case / VAEs for time series
- fair models
- developing, checklist / A checklist for developing fair models, Is the data biased?
- false negatives (FN) / Observational fairness
- false positives (FP) / Observational fairness
- Fast Fourier transformations / Fast Fourier transformations
- feature-based models / Heuristic, feature-based, and E2E models
- feature engineering approach
- about / The feature engineering approach
- fraudsters / A feature from intuition – fraudsters don't sleep
- fraudulent transfer destination / Expert insight – transfer, then cash out
- fraudulent cash outs / Expert insight – transfer, then cash out
- balance errors / Statistical quirks – errors in balances
- feature scaling, ways
- standardization / Preparing the data for training
- Min-Max rescaling / Preparing the data for training
- mean normalization / Preparing the data for training
- unit length scaling, applying / Preparing the data for training
- filters
- applying, on color images / Filters on color images
- forecasting, with neural nets
- about / Forecasting with neural networks
- data preparation / Data preparation
- data preparation, weekdays / Weekdays
- forward pass / A forward pass
- four-fifths rule / Legal perspectives
- fraud detection
- SGAN, using / SGANs for fraud detection
- frontiers, RL
- about / Frontiers of RL, Understanding the brain through RL
- multi agents / Multi-agent RL
- many agents / Multi-agent RL
- many / Multi-agent RL
- function approximators / Approximating functions
- functions
- approximating / Approximating functions
- GANs
- about / GANs
- training process / GANs
- latent vectors / Understanding GAN latent vectors
- training tricks / GAN training tricks
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) / Keeping data private and complying with regulations
- generative models
- using / Using generative models
- genetic algorithms / Evolutionary strategies and genetic algorithms
- global features
- about / Visualization and preparation in pandas
- issues / Aggregate global feature statistics
- Global Vectors (GloVe) / Loading pretrained word vectors
- Google cloud AutoML
- reference / Learning how to learn
- graphics processing units (GPUs) / Using the right hardware for your problem
- Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) / Setting up your workspace
- Gym
- reference / Learning to balance
- H2O AutoML
- reference / Learning how to learn
- heuristic model
- about / Heuristic, feature-based, and E2E models, The heuristic approach
- used, for making predictions / Making predictions using the heuristic model
- F1 score / The F1 score
- evaluating, with confusion matrix / Evaluating with a confusion matrix
- hyper-parameters / Gradient descent
- hyperas
- used, for searching hyperparameter / Hyperparameter search with Hyperas
- reference / Hyperparameter search with Hyperas
- installation adjustments / Hyperparameter search with Hyperas
- Hyperopt
- reference / Learning how to learn
- hyperparameter
- searching, with hyperas / Hyperparameter search with Hyperas
- image datasets
- working with / Working with big image datasets
- instrumental variables two-stage least squares (IV2SLS) / Instrument variables
- integrated / ARIMA
- JobLib
- reference / Flat prior
- Kaggle
- reference / Using Kaggle kernels, The data, An introductory guide to spaCy
- Kaggle Kernel demoing marbles
- reference / Unit testing data
- Kalman filters / Kalman filters
- Keras
- about / A brief introduction to Keras
- importing / Importing Keras
- two-layer model / A two-layer model in Keras
- and TensorFlow / Keras and TensorFlow
- used, for creating predictive models / Creating predictive models with Keras
- building blocks, ConvNets / The building blocks of ConvNets in Keras
- documentation, reference / Augmentation with ImageDataGenerator
- Keras functional API
- about / A quick tour of the Keras functional API
- Keras library
- data, preparing / Preparing the data for the Keras library
- nominal data / Preparing the data for the Keras library
- ordinal data / Preparing the data for the Keras library
- numerical data / Preparing the data for the Keras library
- one-hot encoding / One-hot encoding
- entity embeddings / Entity embeddings
- Keras library
- one-hot encoding / One-hot encoding
- kernel_regularizer / Regularization in Keras
- Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence / Visualizing latent spaces with t-SNE
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) / Topic modeling
- latent spaces
- visualizing, with t-SNE / Visualizing latent spaces with t-SNE
- learning rate / Parameter updates
- linear step / A logistic regressor
- Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) / Understanding which inputs led to which predictions
- logistic regressor
- about / A logistic regressor
- Python version / Python version of our logistic regressor
- about / LSTM
- carry / The carry
- machine learning / What is machine learning?
- marbles
- reference / Unit testing data
- Markov Chains
- reference / Markov processes and the bellman equation – A more formal introduction to RL
- Markov processes / Markov processes and the bellman equation – A more formal introduction to RL
- matrix multiplication (matmul) / Tensors and the computational graph
- mean absolute percentage (MAPE) / Establishing a training and testing regime
- mean stationarity
- about / Different kinds of stationarity
- median forecasting / Median forecasting
- ML
- unfairnes, sources / Sources of unfairness in machine learning
- ML software stack
- Keras / The machine learning software stack
- NumPy / The machine learning software stack
- Pandas / The machine learning software stack
- Scikit-learn / The machine learning software stack
- Matplotlib / The machine learning software stack
- Jupyter / The machine learning software stack
- about / The machine learning software stack
- filters / Filters on MNIST
- MNIST Autoencoder VAE
- reference / Autoencoder for MNIST
- model debugging
- about / Debugging your model
- hyperas, used for searching hyperparameter / Hyperparameter search with Hyperas
- learning rate, searching / Efficient learning rate search
- learning rate, scheduling / Learning rate scheduling
- TensorBoard, used for training monitoring / Monitoring training with TensorBoard
- vanishing gradient problem / Exploding and vanishing gradients
- exploding gradient problem / Exploding and vanishing gradients
- model loss
- measuring / Measuring model loss
- gradient descent / Gradient descent
- backpropagation / Backpropagation
- parameter updates / Parameter updates
- 1-layer neural network, training / Putting it all together
- model parameters
- optimizing / Optimizing model parameters
- models
- training, for maintaining fairness measures / Training to be fair
- interpreting, for ensuring fairness / Interpreting models to ensure fairness
- inspecting, for unfairness / Unfairness as complex system failure, Complex systems run in degraded mode, Accident-free operation requires experience with failure
- modularity trade-off / The modularity tradeoff
- momentum / Momentum
- Moving Average / ARIMA
- named entity recognition (NER)
- about / Named entity recognition
- fine tuning / Fine-tuning the NER
- neural nets
- used, for forecasting / Forecasting with neural networks
- uncertainty / Bayesian deep learning
- neural networks (NNs) / Approximating functions
- No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS) / Metropolis-Hastings MCMC
- nonlinear causal models / Non-linear causal models
- nonlinear step / A logistic regressor
- notebook, executing
- TensorFlow, installing / Installing TensorFlow
- Keras, installing / Installing Keras
- observational fairness
- about / Observational fairness
- off the shelf AutoML solutions
- tpot / Learning how to learn
- auto-sklearn / Learning how to learn
- AutoWEKA / Learning how to learn
- H2O AutoML / Learning how to learn
- Google cloud AutoML / Learning how to learn
- one-hot encoding / One-hot encoding
- overfitting / Creating a test set
- pandas
- visualization / Visualization and preparation in pandas
- preparation / Visualization and preparation in pandas
- reference / Named entity recognition
- part of speech (POS) tagging
- about / Part-of-speech (POS) tagging
- performance tips, machine learning applications
- about / Performance tips
- right hardware , using / Using the right hardware for your problem
- distributed training, using with TF estimators / Making use of distributed training with TF estimators
- CuDNNLSTM, using / Using optimized layers such as CuDNNLSTM
- pipeline, optimizing / Optimizing your pipeline
- Cython, used for speeding up code / Speeding up your code with Cython
- cache frequent requests / Caching frequent requests
- predictive models, creating
- training data, oversampling / Oversampling the training data
- predictive models, creating with Keras
- about / Creating predictive models with Keras
- target, extracting / Extracting the target
- test set, creating / Creating a test set
- building / Building the model
- simple baseline, creating / Creating a simple baseline
- complex models, building / Building more complex models
- preexisting social biases / Sources of unfairness in machine learning
- pretrained models
- working with / Working with pretrained models
- VGG16, modifying / Modifying VGG-16
- random image augmentation / Random image augmentation
- random image augmentation, with ImageDataGenerator / Augmentation with ImageDataGenerator
- pretrained word vectors
- loading / Loading pretrained word vectors
- principal component analysis (PCA) / Understanding autoencoders
- Python
- regex module, using / Using Python's regex module
- Q-function / Catch – a quick guide to reinforcement learning
- Q-learning
- about / Catch – a quick guide to reinforcement learning
- used, for conversion of RL into supervised learning / Q-learning turns RL into supervised learning
- exploration / Training to play Catch
- Q-learning model
- defining / Defining the Q-learning model
- qualitative rationale / The feature engineering approach
- recurrent dropout / Recurrent dropout
- recurrent neural networks (RNN) / Simple RNN
- regex module
- using, in Python / Using Python's regex module
- using, in pandas / Regex in pandas
- using / When to use regexes and when not to
- Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN) / Bounding box prediction
- regular expressions
- about / Regular expressions
- regularization
- about / Regularization
- L2 regularization / L2 regularization
- L1 regularization / L1 regularization
- in Keras / Regularization in Keras
- reinforcement learning
- about / Reinforcement learning
- effectiveness of data / The unreasonable effectiveness of data
- machine learning models / All models are wrong
- conversion, to supervised learning with Q-learning / Q-learning turns RL into supervised learning
- reinforcement learning (RL)
- about / Catch – a quick guide to reinforcement learning, Markov processes and the bellman equation – A more formal introduction to RL
- frontiers / Frontiers of RL
- reward functions, designing
- manual reward shaping / Careful, manual reward shaping
- inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) / Inverse reinforcement learning
- human preferences, learning / Learning from human preferences
- robost RL, creating / Robust RL
- RL engineering
- best practices / Designing good reward functions
- reward functions, designing / Designing good reward functions
- rule-based matching
- about / Rule-based matching
- custom functions, adding to matchers / Adding custom functions to matchers
- matchers, adding to pipeline / Adding the matcher to the pipeline
- combining, with learning based systems / Combining rule-based and learning-based systems
- sampling biases / Sources of unfairness in machine learning
- semi-supervised generative adversarial network (SGAN)
- about / Using generative models
- used, for fraud detection / SGANs for fraud detection
- reference / SGANs for fraud detection
- semi-supervised learning / Using less data – active learning
- Seq2Seq models
- about / Seq2seq models
- architecture overview / Seq2seq architecture overview
- data / The data
- inference models, creating / Creating inference models
- translations, creating / Making translations, Exercises
- SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanation) / Interpreting models to ensure fairness
- simple model / What to do if you don't have enough data
- simple RNN / Simple RNN
- SpaCy
- about / An introductory guide to spaCy, Document similarity with word embeddings
- Doc instance / An introductory guide to spaCy
- Vocab class / An introductory guide to spaCy
- Spearmint
- reference / Learning how to learn
- stationarity
- types / Different kinds of stationarity
- significance / Why stationarity matters
- stationarity issues
- avoiding / When to ignore stationarity issues
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) / Compiling the model
- stochastic volatility
- reference / Metropolis-Hastings MCMC
- supervised learning / Supervised learning, Using less data – active learning
- Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) / Oversampling the training data
- systematic error / Sources of unfairness in machine learning
- t-SNE algorithm
- used, for visualizing latent spaces / Visualizing latent spaces with t-SNE
- Tabotea project / The data
- tensors
- and computational graph / Tensors and the computational graph
- Term Frequency, Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) / TF-IDF
- test set / Creating a test set
- text classification task
- about / A text classification task
- time series
- examining / Examining the sample time series
- time series models
- using, with word vectors / Time series models with word vectors
- time series stationary
- making / Making a time series stationary
- topic modeling / Topic modeling
- tpot
- reference / Learning how to learn
- training and testing regime
- establishing / Establishing a training and testing regime
- transfer learning / What to do if you don't have enough data
- tree-based methods
- about / A brief primer on tree-based methods
- decision tree / A simple decision tree
- random forest / A random forest
- XGBoost / XGBoost
- Tree of Parzen (TPE) algorithm / Hyperparameter search with Hyperas
- true negatives (TN) / Observational fairness
- true payoff probability (TPP) / An intuitive guide to Bayesian inference
- true positives (TP) / Observational fairness
- two-layer model, Keras
- about / A two-layer model in Keras
- layer, stacking / Stacking layers
- model, compiling / Compiling the model
- model, training / Training the model
- unsupervised learning / Unsupervised learning, Using less data – active learning
- vanishing gradient problem / Monitoring training with TensorBoard
- variance stationarity
- about / Different kinds of stationarity
- variational autoencoders (VAEs)
- about / Variational autoencoders
- MNIST example / MNIST example
- Lambda layer, using / Using the Lambda layer
- Kullback-Leibler divergence / Kullback–Leibler divergence
- custom loss, creating / Creating a custom loss
- using, for data generation / Using a VAE to generate data
- used, for end-to-end fraud detection / VAEs for an end-to-end fraud detection system
- using, in time series / VAEs for time series
- word embeddings
- about / Word embeddings
- document similarity / Document similarity with word embeddings
- word vectors
- used, for preprocessing / Preprocessing for training with word vectors
- workspace
- setting up / Setting up your workspace, Using Kaggle kernels
- notebooks, local execution / Running notebooks locally
- Xtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)
- reference / A brief primer on tree-based methods, XGBoost
- about / XGBoost
- You Only Look Once (YOLO) / Bounding box prediction