In today's mobile-oriented world, iOS development has become one of the most lucrative skills in the tech industry. Many existing companies can benefit from a well-designed app (just look at Starbucks), and mobile apps have created entirely new businesses by disrupting existing industries (such as Uber) or creating new ones (such as Snapchat).
Over the course of this book, we'll be walking through the basics of iOS development by focusing on the Xcode suite of tools, which is the primary software package used to develop iOS (and watchOS, tvOS, and OSX) applications. Along the way, we'll touch upon many subjects, such as the fundamental concepts behind iOS app architecture, the Swift 3 programming language, creating iOS and watchOS applications from scratch, and much more!
The goal of this book is to give you a wide sampling platter of the many different sides to iOS development. By the end, you will have directly touched many unique aspects of app development and will have built your first app from concept to app store!
Welcome to Learning Xcode!