If you are fully embracing the reactive approach in making Android apps, there are many other specialized reactive bindings libraries you can leverage in your apps. They often deal with specific domains of Android but can be helpful nonetheless if you work with these domains. Outside of RxBinding, here are some notable bindings libraries you can use reactively with Android:
- SqlBrite (https://github.com/square/sqlbrite): A SQLite wrapper that brings reactive semantics to SQL queries.
- RxLocation (https://github.com/patloew/RxLocation): A reactive location API
- rx-preferences (https://github.com/f2prateek/rx-preferences): A reactive SharedPreferences API
- RxFit (https://github.com/patloew/RxFit): Reactive fitness API for Android
- RxWear (https://github.com/patloew/RxWear): A reactive API for the Wearable library
- ReactiveNetwork (https://github.com...