Using the SELECT statement
As we have seen in the previous chapters, the SELECT
statement is the key to using DocumentDB and selecting, finding, and filtering resources inside your collections.
statement is described in the following syntax convention:
<select_query> ::= SELECT <select_specification> [ FROM <from_specification>] [ WHERE <filter_condition> ] [ ORDER BY <order_by_specification>]
As you can see, a SELECT
statement consists of the SELECT
keyword as well as (optionally) the FROM
It is possible to execute only the SELECT
statement, as we will see later in this chapter. The following code snippet shows a simple example of only a SELECT
SELECT ABS(-1) returns [ { "$1": 1 } ]
Selecting some documents
In the previous chapters, we performed some basic querying against our collections. The following snippet is a simple query that returns all the first names inside the collection (the one we used...