Adding visual interest with a gauge
The gauge visualization is intended to emulate the look of a semicircular analog graph, and it comes with a comprehensive set of controls for text and color. To get a feel for using this gauge, let’s set up a set of wind-speed gauges, one for each station.
First, let’s set up a query for the wind speed for all the stations. We’ll use the math()
operator to convert the value from the native meters per second setting to kilometers per hour:
SELECT "value" / 1000 * 3600 FROM "windSpeed" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP
BY "station"::tag
- Format as: Time series
- Query options | Min interval:
Now that we have a query, let’s start by configuring the look of our visualization. We begin with Value options:
- Value options | Show: Calculate
- Value options | Calculate: Last *
We’ll set up the gauge settings, but let’s go over them first.