While LLVM provides the basic infrastructure that allows fast machine code to be produced, it must be noted that adding an LLVM compiler to any language will not necessarily make it execute faster. Julia's syntax and semantics have been carefully designed to allow high-performance execution, and a large part of this is due to how Julia uses types in the language. We will, of course, have much more to say about types in Julia throughout this book. At this stage, suffice it to say that Julia's concept of types is a key ingredient of its performance.
The Julia compiler attempts to infer the type of all data used in a program, and compiles different versions of functions specialized to particular types of its arguments. To take a simple example, consider the ^ (power) function. This function can be called with integer or floating point (i.e, fractional, or decimal) arguments. The mathematical definitions and, thus, the implementation of this function are very different for integers and floats. So, Julia will compile, on demand, two versions of the code, one for integer arguments, and one for floating point arguments, and insert the appropriate call in the code when it compiles the program. This means that, at runtime, fast, straight-line code without any type checks will be executed on the CPU.
Julia allows us to introspect the native code that runs on the CPU. Using this facility, we can see that very different code is generated for integer and floating point arguments. So, let's look at the following machine code, generated for squaring an integer:
julia> @code_native 3^2
pushl %eax
decl %eax
movl $202927424, %eax ## imm = 0xC186D40
addl %eax, (%eax)
addb %al, (%eax)
calll *%eax
popl %ecx
We omitted some boilerplate output when showing the result of the @code macros, in order to focus on the relevant parts. Run this code yourself to see the full output.
Let's now look at the following code, generated for squaring a floating point value:
julia> @code_native 3.5^2
vcvtsi2sdl %edi, %xmm1, %xmm1
decl %eax
movl $1993314664, %eax ## imm = 0x76CF9168
.byte 0xff .byte 0x7f .byte 0x00
addb %bh, %bh
loopne 0x68
nopw %cs:(%eax, %eax)
You will notice that the code looks very different (although the actual meaning of the code is not relevant for now). You will notice that there are no runtime type checks in the code. This gets to the heart of Julia's design and its performance claims.
The ability of the compiler to reason about types is due to the combination of a sophisticated dataflow-based algorithm, and careful language design that allows this information to be inferred from most programs before execution begins. Put in another way, the language is designed to make it easy to statically analyze its data types.
If there is a single reason for Julia being such a high-performance language, this is it. This is why Julia is able to run at C-like speeds while still being a dynamic language. Type inference and code specialization are as close to a secret sauce as Julia gets. It is notable that, outside this type inference mechanism, the Julia compiler is quite simple. It does not include many of the advanced Just in Time optimizations that Java and JavaScript compilers are known to use. When the compiler has enough information about the types within the code, it can generate optimized, straight-line code without many of these advanced techniques.
It is useful to note here that, unlike some optionally typed dynamic languages, simply adding type annotations to your code does not make Julia go any faster. Type inference means that the compiler is usually able to figure out the types of variables when necessary. Hence, you can usually write high-level code without fighting with the compiler about types, and still achieve superior performance.