Well, this wraps up the chapter on forms. We learned how to properly use the new HTML5 form elements to create a form that functions perfectly and is accessible to boot. We learned how to focus the first field in the form, validate our site visitor's form input, and style those stubborn and notoriously unstyleable form elements. Now, you've got an arsenal of tools on your side to create gorgeous-looking forms that enhance your site visitors' experience on your site. And the best of all, they all degrade gracefully for users with JavaScript disabled as we approached our forms with the progressive enhancement mindset—by first building a working form, and then layering in enhancements for site visitors whose browsers support them.
I know that JavaScript can be a scary subject for designers. Kudos to you for sticking with me to the end of the book! I hope that you now have a basic understanding of jQuery and feel sure that you'll be able to tackle your next...