Creating a Jasmine test for new code using TDD and BDD
Writing Jasmine tests for new code is straightforward compared to writing Jasmine tests for existing code. In this recipe, we will learn how to design specs and write tests for new code.
To write a Jasmine test for new code using TDD and BDD, let's assume that you are working with a bank in a credit card division. There are different business rules that exist to accept credit card numbers.
"As a credit card administrator, I want to validate credit card numbers so that I can check their authenticity for further processing."
Let's consider a scenario in the following context that a credit card number should be valid to shop in online store:
Scenario-1: The credit card number should have 16 digits for the "Master Card" category
Getting ready
Let's define the Scenario in the Given/When/Then format as follows:
- Given: Credit card division of a bank
- When: Accepted credit card number for Master Card category
- Then...