Getting Started with Custom Views
At this point, your JRNL app is functional. All the screens are working, but as the rating user interface element is missing, you can’t set a star rating for a journal entry as shown in the app tour. You also can’t set a custom picture, but that will be addressed in Chapter 20, Getting Started with the Camera and Photo Library.
You have been using Apple’s standard UI elements so far. In this chapter, you’ll create a custom view subclass of the UIStackView
class that displays a journal entry rating in the form of stars, and you’ll modify this subclass so users can set a rating for a journal entry by tapping it. After that, you’ll implement it on the Add New Journal Entry screen. Finally, you’ll implement it on the Journal Entry Detail screen.
By the end of this chapter, you’ll have learned how to create custom views for your own apps.
The following topics will be covered in this chapter...