Importing and choosing Knowledge Modules
We've now seen that Loading and Integration Knowledge Modules play pivotal roles in performing data integration actions within ODI. So how and when do we choose which KM to use?
The ODI component that actually moves data is called an Interface, and it is located inside the ODI Designer Interface editor where you specify which KM is to be used for source and target data movement behavior. Interfaces are created and organized in folders within a project, but for an interface to be able to leverage a set of KM, the KMs must have been previously imported into this very project.
Choosing Knowledge Modules
Within the six types of Knowledge Modules, let's just focus for a moment on the two types that are central to moving and transforming data namely, LKMs and IKMs.
When a Knowledge Module has been previously imported into the parent project and applied to the interface target and the interface is subsequently executed, it is the steps within the IKM that determine...