Chapter 10: Cameras, the GPS, and More
In this chapter, we'll look specifically at smartphone features, such as accessing the built-in camera, utilizing location and mapping services, and sharing data with other applications.
There are several sample projects available from Embarcadero that come with Delphi or can be downloaded via the GetIt Package Manager. We will not cover these specifically but will build our own app throughout this chapter that takes code from these projects and puts them together in a fun, park-visiting app.
The idea for this app will be that we want to build a list of all the parks in our neighborhood, take pictures, and save their locations to a small database. You can easily tweak this app to apply to museums or clients or whatever you want—or even a combination of these by adding a category. This will be a thorough introduction to accessing mobile app services.
We'll keep it simple, building it through the following sections: