Writing SDB modules
SDB is a relatively new type of module, and ripe for development. It stands for Simple Database, and it is designed to allow data to be simple to query, using a very short URI. Underlying configuration can be as complex as necessary, so long as the URI that is used to query it is as simple as possible.
Another design goal of SDB is that URIs can mask sensitive pieces of information from being stored directly inside a configuration file. For instance, passwords are often required for other types of modules, such as the mysql
modules. But it is a poor practice to store passwords in files that are then stored inside a revision control system such as Git.
Using SDB to look up passwords on the fly allows references to the passwords to be stored, but not the passwords themselves. This makes it much safer to store files that reference sensitive data, inside revision control systems.
There is one supposed function that may be tempting to use SDB for: storing encrypted data on the...