- Activity Viewer
- about / Activity Viewer
- Add/Remove Tables option / Creating Data Source Views
- Add Business Intelligence Wizard
- about / The Add Business Intelligence wizard
- prerequisites / Concepts and prerequisites
- using / How to use the Add Business Intelligence wizard
- scenarios / Data collected in a single currency with reporting in multiple currencies, Data collected in multiple currencies with reporting in a single currency, Data stored in multiple currencies with reporting in multiple currencies
- add option, dimension processing / Dimension processing
- add option, partition processing / Partition processing
- Administrative security
- about / Administrative security
- AdomdServer object / Dynamic security with stored procedures
- AggegationFunction property / Year-to-date calculations
- AggregateFunction COUNT property / Basic aggregation types
- AggregateFunction property / Useful properties of measures
- Sum / Basic aggregation types
- Count / Basic aggregation types
- MIN and MAX / Basic aggregation types
- aggregation
- about / Aggregations
- design / Creating an initial aggregation design
- usage-based optimization / Usage-Based Optimization
- usage, managing / Monitoring partition and aggregation usage
- building manually / Building aggregations manually
- design issues / Common aggregation design issues
- aggregation types
- about / Built-in measure aggregation types
- basics / Basic aggregation types
- DistinctCount aggregation type / DistinctCount
- None aggregation type / None
- semi-additive aggregation type / Semi-additive aggregation types
- ByAccount aggregation type / ByAccount
- AggregationUsage property / Creating an initial aggregation design
- alternate fact table
- Drillthrough on / Drillthrough on alternate fact table
- Analysis Services
- data modeling / Data modeling for Analysis Services
- physical database design / Physical database design for Analysis Services
- tabular models / Multidimensional and Tabular models
- edition, selecting / Choosing an edition of Analysis Services
- accessing, from outside domain / Accessing Analysis Services from outside a domain
- about / Analysis Services and the operating system
- and operating system / Analysis Services and the operating system
- memory management / Analysis Services memory management
- and SQL Server, sharing on same machine / Sharing SQL Server and Analysis Services on the same machine
- unsupported features / Unsupported features
- new functionality / New functionality in Analysis Services
- Analysis Services 2012 / Multidimensional and Tabular models
- Analysis Services database
- about / Securable objects
- Analysis Services edition
- selecting / Choosing an edition of Analysis Services
- Analysis Services engine
- about / Understanding how Analysis Services processes queries
- Formula Engine / Understanding how Analysis Services processes queries
- Storage Engine / Understanding how Analysis Services processes queries
- Analysis Services partitioning
- versus relational / Relational versus Analysis Services partitioning
- Analysis Services project
- setting up / Setting up a new Analysis Services project
- project mode / Setting up a new Analysis Services project
- online mode / Setting up a new Analysis Services project
- build property / Setting up a new Analysis Services project
- deployment property / Setting up a new Analysis Services project
- AssociatedMeasureGroup property / DisplayFolders
- ASTrace
- about / ASTrace
- AttributeHierarchyEnabled / Creating an initial aggregation design
- AttributeHierarchyEnabled property / Adding new attributes
- AttributeHierarchyOptimizedState property / Adding new attributes
- AttributeHierarchyOrdered property / Adding new attributes
- attribute overwrite
- about / Attribute overwrite
- attribute relationships
- configuring / Configuring attribute relationships
- Attribute Relationships tab / Configuring attribute relationships
- Attribute Type property / Using the New Dimension wizard
- AverageOfChildren / Semi-additive aggregation types
- banding
- about / Banding
- BI Development Studio / Naming conventions
- BIDS Helper / Configuring attribute relationships
- Block Computation
- versus Cell-by-Cell / Tuning the implementation of MDX
- bridge table
- about / Bridge tables or factless fact tables
- ByAccount aggregation type / ByAccount
- % Committed Bytes in Use / Performance counters
- caching
- about / Caching
- Formula cache scopes / Formula cache scopes
- restricting / Other scenarios that restrict caching
- warming / Cache warming
- CREATE CACHE statement / The CREATE CACHE statement
- CREATE CACHE statement, drawbacks / Running batches of queries
- calculated measures
- formatting / Formatting calculated measures
- calculated members
- about / Different kinds of calculated members
- query-scoped calculated members / Different kinds of calculated members
- session-scoped calculated members / Different kinds of calculated members
- globally-scoped calculated members / Different kinds of calculated members
- limitations / Limitations of calculated members
- using, to cache numeric values / Using calculated members to cache numeric values
- calculation dimension
- about / Calculation dimensions
- implementing / Implementing a simple calculation dimension
- Time Intelligence wizard / The Time Intelligence wizard
- best practices / Calculation dimension best practices
- calculations
- about / Common calculations
- simple / Simple calculations
- adding / Simple calculations
- cell values, referencing / Referencing cell values
- members, aggregating / Aggregating members
- Year-to-date calculations / Year-to-date calculations
- ratios, over hierarchy / Ratios over a hierarchy
- previous period growth calculation / Previous period growths
- Same Period Previous Year calculation / Same period previous year
- moving averages / Moving averages
- ranks / Ranks
- cells
- about / Securable objects
- cell security
- about / Cell security, Cell security
- cell values
- referencing / Referencing cell values
- characteristics, OLTP database / The OLTP database
- Chart of Accounts dimension / ByAccount
- Cleaner Memory KB / Monitoring processing with Performance Monitor counters
- Cleaner Memory non-shrinkable KB / Monitoring processing with Performance Monitor counters
- Cleaner Memory shrinkable KB / Monitoring processing with Performance Monitor counters
- Client Access License (CAL) model / Choosing an edition of Analysis Services
- Committed Bytes / Performance counters
- Condition property / Drillthrough actions
- Count / Basic aggregation types
- about / CPU
- CREATE CACHE statement
- about / The CREATE CACHE statement
- drawbacks / Running batches of queries
- CREATE MEMBER statement / Simple calculations, Implementing a simple calculation dimension
- cube
- in production, changes making to / Making changes to a cube in production
- cubes
- about / Securable objects
- read access, granting / Granting Read Access to Cubes
- Currency built-in format / FormatString
- currency conversion
- about / Introduction to currency conversion
- single currency, data collected in / Data collected in a single currency
- multiple currencies, data collected in / Data collected in a multiple currencies
- need for / Where to perform currency conversion
- currency dimension / Concepts and prerequisites
- Current Disk Queue Length / Performance counters
- Customer Geography hierarchy / Ratios over a hierarchy
- custom member formulas
- about / Custom Member Formulas
- CustomRollupColumn property / Custom Member Formulas
- CustomRollupPropertiesColumn property / Custom Member Formulas
- %Disk Time / Performance counters
- database backup
- performing / Performing database backup
- database dimension
- about / Role-playing dimensions
- and measure group, relationship / Dimension/measure group relationships
- database processing
- about / Database processing
- issues / Database processing
- databases
- between servers, copying / Copying databases between servers
- data mart
- about / The data mart
- data mining relationship
- about / Data mining relationships
- data modeling, Analysis Services
- dimension table / Fact tables and dimension tables
- fact table / Fact tables and dimension tables
- star schemas / Star schemas and snowflake schemas
- snowflake schemas / Star schemas and snowflake schemas
- junk dimensions / Junk dimensions
- degenerate dimensions / Degenerate dimensions
- SCDs / Slowly Changing Dimensions
- bridge table / Bridge tables or factless fact tables
- factless fact table / Bridge tables or factless fact tables
- transaction fact tables / Snapshot and transaction fact tables
- snapshot / Snapshot and transaction fact tables
- fact table, updating / Updating fact and dimension tables
- dimension table, updating / Updating fact and dimension tables
- natural keys / Natural and surrogate keys
- surrogate keys / Natural and surrogate keys
- NULLability / Unknown Members, key errors, and NULLability
- Unknown Members feature / Unknown Members, key errors, and NULLability
- key errors / Unknown Members, key errors, and NULLability
- data option, dimension processing / Dimension processing
- data option, partition processing / Partition processing
- data security
- about / Data security
- data sources
- creating / Creating data sources
- about / Securable objects
- Data Source View (DSV)
- about / The OLTP database, Views versus the Data Source View
- versus views / Views versus the Data Source View
- data warehouse
- about / The data warehouse
- DAX Queries
- running, against Multidimensional model / Running DAX queries against a Multidimensional model
- executing / Executing DAX queries
- and attributes / DAX queries and attributes
- DefaultMember property / Calculation dimension best practices
- default option, dimension processing / Dimension processing
- default option, partition processing / Partition processing
- degenerate dimensions
- about / Degenerate dimensions
- Deselect all members / Dimension security
- dimension
- about / Fact tables and dimension tables
- dimension/measure group relationships
- about / Dimension/measure group relationships
- fact relationship / Fact relationships
- referenced relationship / Referenced relationships
- data mining relationship / Data mining relationships
- dimension calculations
- about / Dimension calculations
- Dimension Data security / Applying security to Measures
- Dimension Editor
- new attributes, adding / Adding new attributes
- KeyColumns, NameColumn property, adding / Adding new attributes
- AttributeHierarchyEnable property, adding / Adding new attributes
- AttributeHierarchyOptimizedState property, adding / Adding new attributes
- OrderBy, OrderByAttributeproperty, adding / Adding new attributes
- AttributeHierarchyOrdered, adding / Adding new attributes
- IsAggregatable, DefaultMember, adding / Adding new attributes
- Time dimension, configuring / Configuring a Time dimension
- user hierarchies, creating / Creating user hierarchies
- attribute relationships, configuring / Configuring attribute relationships
- Dimension Key Errors tab / Database processing
- Dimension Members
- access, restricting / Restricting access to Dimension Members
- dimension processing
- about / Managing processing, Dimension processing
- full option / Dimension processing
- add option / Dimension processing
- data option / Dimension processing
- index option / Dimension processing
- update option / Dimension processing
- unprocess option / Dimension processing
- default option / Dimension processing
- dimension security
- about / Dimension security
- Visual Totals / Visual Totals
- access to Dimension Members, restricting / Restricting access to Dimension Members
- applying, to measures / Applying security to Measures
- and parent/child hierarchies / Dimension security and parent/child hierarchies
- dimension tables / Fact tables and dimension tables
- updating / Updating fact and dimension tables
- measure groups, creating from / Creating measure groups from dimension tables
- dimesion security
- about / Dimension security
- dimesnions
- about / Securable objects
- DirectSlice property
- about / DirectSlice property
- DiscretizationMethod property / Grouping
- Diskperf command line utility / Performance counters
- Disk Read Bytes/sec / Performance counters
- Disk Write Bytes/sec / Performance counters
- DisplayFolders property / DisplayFolders
- DistinctCount aggregation type / DistinctCount
- DISTINCT COUNT measure / Distinct Count measures
- DIVIDE function / Ratios over a hierarchy
- Do Not Design Aggregations / Creating an initial aggregation design
- Drillthrough
- about / Drillthrough
- actions / Actions
- modeling / Drillthrough modeling
- transaction details dimension used / Drillthrough using a transaction detail dimension
- with ROLAP dimensions / Drillthrough with ROLAP dimensions
- on alternate fact table / Drillthrough on alternate fact table
- recap / Drillthrough recap
- Drillthrough actions
- generic action / Actions
- reporting action / Actions
- about / Actions, Drillthrough actions
- Drillthrough Columns property / Drillthrough actions
- Drillthrough columns order / Drillthrough columns order
- and calculated members / Drillthrough and calculated members
- Drillthrough columns order / Drillthrough columns order
- Drillthrough Columns property / Drillthrough actions
- about / Creating Data Source Views
- creating / Creating Data Source Views
- dynamic cell security
- about / Dynamic cell security
- Dynamic Management Views (DMVs)
- processing, monitoring with / Monitoring processing with Dynamic Management Views
- used, for monitoring queries / Monitoring queries with Dynamic Management Views
- used, for monitoring usage / Monitoring usage with Dynamic Management Views
- about / Building a complete monitoring solution
- dynamic security
- about / Dynamic security, Dynamic security
- dynamic dimension security / Dynamic dimension security
- with stored procedures / Dynamic security with stored procedures
- Enable Writeback dialog / Writeback
- ErrorConfiguration property / Handling processing errors
- Error List window / Project deployment
- EstimatedCount property / Creating an initial aggregation design
- EstimatedRows property / Creating an initial aggregation design
- Estimated Storage Reaches / Creating an initial aggregation design
- Exchange Rate measure group / Concepts and prerequisites
- fact
- about / Fact tables and dimension tables
- Fact dimension / Details about transactional data
- factless fact table
- about / Bridge tables or factless fact tables
- fact relationships
- about / Fact relationships
- fact tables / Fact tables and dimension tables
- updating / Updating fact and dimension tables
- FirstChild / Semi-additive aggregation types
- FirstNonEmpty / Semi-additive aggregation types
- Flight Recorder
- about / Flight Recorder
- FormatString property / FormatString
- FORMAT_STRING property
- about / Formatting calculated measures
- Formula Engine / Understanding how Analysis Services processes queries
- Formula Engine performance problems
- diagnosing / Diagnosing Formula Engine performance problems, Calculation performance tuning
- full option, dimension processing / Dimension processing
- full option, partition processing / Partition processing
- 4 GB string store limit / Adding new attributes
- generic action / Actions
- Get Data From Aggregation event / Monitoring partition and aggregation usage
- Global Context / Formula cache scopes
- globally-scoped calculated members / Different kinds of calculated members
- granularities
- handling / Handling different granularities
- GROUP BY clause / Built-in measure aggregation types
- grouping
- about / Grouping
- HideMemberIf
- ragged hierarchies with / Ragged hierarchies with HideMemberIf
- I/O Operations
- about / I/O Operations
- I Click Stop / Creating an initial aggregation design
- IgnoreUnrelatedDimensions property / Handling different dimensionality
- indexes, in data mart
- about / Indexes in the data mart
- dimension tables / Dimension tables
- fact tables / Fact tables
- index option, dimension processing / Dimension processing
- index option, partition processing / Partition processing
- Integration Services
- partitions, generating / Generating partitions in Integration Services
- processing, managing with / Managing processing with Integration Services
- Internet Information Services (IIS) / Roles and role membership
- IO Data Bytes/sec / Performance counters
- IO Read Bytes/sec / Performance counters
- IO Write Bytes/sec / Performance counters
- IsAggregatable, DefaultMember / Adding new attributes
- IsAggregatable property / Implementing a simple calculation dimension, Data collected in multiple currencies with reporting in a single currency
- junk dimensions
- about / Junk dimensions
- need for / Junk dimensions
- modeling / Modeling junk dimensions
- KeyColumns, NameColumn
- naming / Adding new attributes
- key errors
- about / Unknown Members, key errors, and NULLability
- Language property / FormatString
- LastChild / Semi-additive aggregation types
- LastNonEmpty / Semi-additive aggregation types
- lazy aggregations
- about / Lazy Aggregations
- LEAVES function / Data collected in a single currency with reporting in multiple currencies
- Line Number attribute / Drillthrough using a transaction detail dimension
- linked dimensions
- and measure groups, using / Using linked dimensions and measure groups
- local currency / Concepts and prerequisites
- LowMemoryLimit / Controlling the Analysis Services Memory Manager
- many-to-many dimension relationship
- about / Many-to-many dimension relationships
- implementing / Implementing a many-to-many dimension relationship
- advanced modeling / Advanced modeling with many-to-many relationships
- performance issues / Performance issues
- MDX calculation performance
- about / MDX calculation performance
- Formula Engine performance problems, diagnosing / Diagnosing Formula Engine performance problems
- testing / Calculation performance tuning
- algorithms, tuning in / Tuning algorithms used in MDX
- Named Sets, using / Using Named Sets to avoid recalculating Set Expressions
- implementation, tuning / Tuning the implementation of MDX
- MDX formulas
- versus pre-calculating values / MDX formulas versus pre-calculating values
- MDX Script errors / Database processing
- MeasureExpression expression / Measure expressions
- MeasureExpression property / Measure expressions
- Measure expressions
- about / Measure expressions
- DirectSlice property / DirectSlice property
- Writeback / Writeback
- measure groups
- about / Measure groups
- multiple measure groups, creating / Creating multiple measure groups
- multiple measure groups, advantages / Creating multiple measure groups
- creating, from dimension tables / Creating measure groups from dimension tables
- and linked dimensions, using / Using linked dimensions and measure groups
- measures
- about / Measures and aggregation
- properties / Useful properties of measures
- measures, properties
- FormatString property / FormatString
- DisplayFolders property / DisplayFolders
- members
- aggregating / Aggregating members
- member status
- handling / Handling member status
- memory
- about / Memory
- Memory Limit High KB / Monitoring processing with Performance Monitor counters
- Memory Limit Low KB / Monitoring processing with Performance Monitor counters
- memory management, Analysis Services
- about / Analysis Services memory management
- 32 bit and 64 bit, memory differences / Memory differences between 32 bit and 64 bit
- controlling / Controlling the Analysis Services Memory Manager
- out of memory conditions / Out of memory conditions in Analysis Services
- Memory Usage KB / Monitoring processing with Performance Monitor counters
- Microsoft Management Console (MMC) / Performance counters
- MIN and MAX / Basic aggregation types
- Mosha Pasumanskys blog
- URL / Building partitions
- moving averages
- about / Moving averages
- MSOLAP$ Cache category / Monitoring queries with Performance Monitor counters
- MSOLAP$MDX / Monitoring queries with Performance Monitor counters
- MSOLAP$ Memory / Monitoring queries with Performance Monitor counters
- MSOLAP$ Storage Engine Query / Monitoring queries with Performance Monitor counters
- Multidimensional model
- Power View, connecting to / Connecting Power View to a Multidimensional model
- multidimensional models / Multidimensional and Tabular models
- Multidimensional objects
- mapping, to Tabular concepts / Mapping Multidimensional objects to Tabular concepts
- multiple cube approach
- advantages / Creating multiple measure groups
- multiple currencies
- data, collected in / Data collected in a multiple currencies
- Named Sets
- using, to avoid recalculating Set Expressions / Using Named Sets to avoid recalculating Set Expressions
- named sets
- about / Named sets
- regular named sets / Regular named sets
- dynamic named sets / Dynamic named sets
- natural keys
- about / Natural and surrogate keys
- natural user hierarchies / Configuring attribute relationships
- New Cube wizard
- used, for simple cube building / Using the New Cube wizard
- New Dimension wizard
- using / Using the New Dimension wizard
- key property / Using the New Dimension wizard
- name property / Using the New Dimension wizard
- naming / Using the New Dimension wizard
- New Dimension Wizard
- about / Modeling parent/child hierarchies
- non-aggregatable measure
- about / Non-aggregatable measures – a different approach
- non-aggregatable measures
- about / Non-aggregatable values
- None aggregation type / None
- NonEmpty function / Regular named sets
- NULLability
- about / Unknown Members, key errors, and NULLability
- numeric values
- caching, calculated members used / Using calculated members to cache numeric values
- OLTP database
- about / The OLTP database
- OLTP system
- characteristics / The OLTP database
- OrderBy, OrderByAttribute property / Adding new attributes
- Page File Bytes and Private Bytes / Performance counters
- Page File Bytes Peak / Performance counters
- Pages/sec / Performance counters
- parent/child hierarchies
- modeling / Modeling parent/child hierarchies
- usage, avoiding / Modeling parent/child hierarchies
- and dimension security / Dimension security and parent/child hierarchies
- Generate function / Dimension security and parent/child hierarchies
- partition processing
- about / Managing processing, Partition processing
- full option / Partition processing
- add option / Partition processing
- data option / Partition processing
- index option / Partition processing
- default option / Partition processing
- unprocess option / Partition processing
- partitions
- about / Partitions
- need for / Why partition?
- building / Building partitions
- Table Binding / Building partitions
- Query Binding / Building partitions
- strategy, planning / Planning a partitioning strategy
- scans, unexpected / Unexpected Partition scans
- managing / Managing partitions
- generating, in Integration services / Generating partitions in Integration Services
- performance counters
- about / Performance counters
- Performance Gain Reaches / Creating an initial aggregation design
- Performance Monitor / Performance counters
- Performance Monitor counters
- used, for monitoring processing / Monitoring processing with Performance Monitor counters
- used, for monitoring queries / Monitoring queries with Performance Monitor counters
- used, for monitoring usage / Monitoring usage with Performance Monitor counters
- performance tuning
- methodology / Performance tuning methodology
- designing / Designing for performance
- physical database design, Analysis Services
- multiple data sources / Multiple data sources
- data types / Data types and Analysis Services
- SQL queries, generated during cube processing / SQL queries generated during cube processing
- usage of schemas / Usage of schemas
- naming conventions / Naming conventions
- views, versus Data Source View (DSV) / Views versus the Data Source View
- Power View
- connecting, to Multidimensional model / Connecting Power View to a Multidimensional model
- pre-calculating values
- versus MDX formulas / MDX formulas versus pre-calculating values
- previous period growth calculation / Previous period growths
- proactive caching
- about / Proactive caching
- processing
- about / Managing processing
- dimension processing / Managing processing
- partition processing / Managing processing
- errors, handling / Handling processing errors
- managing, with Integration Services / Managing processing with Integration Services
- ProcessingGroup property / Drillthrough using a transaction detail dimension
- Processing Option project property / Database processing
- processing performance
- monitoring / Monitoring processing performance
- monitoring, with trace data / Monitoring processing with trace data
- monitoring, with Performance Monitor counters / Monitoring processing with Performance Monitor counters
- monitoring, with Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) / Monitoring processing with Dynamic Management Views
- Progress Report Begin event / Monitoring partition and aggregation usage
- Progress Report End event / Monitoring partition and aggregation usage
- Push-mode processing
- about / Push-mode processing
- query-scoped calculated members / Different kinds of calculated members
- Query Binding / Building partitions
- Query Context / Formula cache scopes
- URL / Formula cache scopes
- query performance
- monitoring / Monitoring query performance
- monitoring, with trace data / Monitoring queries with trace data
- monitoring, with Performance Monitor counters / Monitoring queries with Performance Monitor counters
- monitoring, with Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) / Monitoring queries with Dynamic Management Views
- Query Subcube Verbose event / Monitoring partition and aggregation usage
- ragged hierarchies
- modeling / Modeling ragged hierarchies
- with HideMemberIf / Ragged hierarchies with HideMemberIf
- ranks
- about / Ranks
- RatioOverCountry measure / Ratios over a hierarchy
- ratios
- over hierarchy / Ratios over a hierarchy
- over country / Ratios over a hierarchy
- over parent / Ratios over a hierarchy
- read access
- granting, to cubes / Granting Read Access to Cubes
- Real Value member / Implementing a simple calculation dimension
- reference dimensions
- processing / Processing reference dimensions
- referenced relationship
- about / Referenced relationships
- Relational
- versus Analysis Services partitioning / Relational versus Analysis Services partitioning
- RelationshipType property / Configuring attribute relationships
- reporting action / Actions
- Reporting Currency dimension / Data collected in multiple currencies with reporting in a single currency
- resource monitor
- about / Resource Monitor
- resources
- shared, by operating system / Resources shared by the operating system
- memory / Memory
- I/O Operations / I/O Operations
- consumption, monitoring / Tools to monitor resource consumption
- Resource Usage event / Monitoring partition and aggregation usage
- about / Degenerate dimensions
- ROLAP dimensions
- Drillthrough with / Drillthrough with ROLAP dimensions
- roles
- about / Roles and role membership
- creating / Creating roles
- multiple roles, membership / Membership of multiple roles
- testing / Testing roles
- Same Period Previous Year calculation / Same period previous year
- Scale-up and Scale-out / Scale-up and Scale-out
- SCDs
- about / Slowly Changing Dimensions
- recording / Slowly Changing Dimensions
- SCOPE / Implementing a simple calculation dimension
- Script View button / Simple calculations
- security
- requisites / Sample security requirements
- features / Analysis Services security features
- managing, roles used / Roles and role membership
- managing / Managing security
- and query performance / Security and query performance
- Select all members / Dimension security
- Select Conversion Type page / Data collected in multiple currencies with reporting in a single currency
- semi-additive aggregation type
- about / Semi-additive aggregation types
- AverageOfChildren / Semi-additive aggregation types
- FirstChild / Semi-additive aggregation types
- LastChild / Semi-additive aggregation types
- FirstNonEmpty / Semi-additive aggregation types
- LastNonEmpty / Semi-additive aggregation types
- session-scoped calculated members / Different kinds of calculated members
- Session Context / Formula cache scopes
- SET definition / Dynamic named sets
- simple cube
- building / Building a simple cube, Using the New Cube wizard, Project deployment, Database processing
- New Cube wizard, using / Using the New Cube wizard
- project, deploying / Project deployment
- database, processing / Database processing
- database processing, errors / Database processing
- simple dimensions
- designing / Designing simple dimensions
- New Dimension wizard, using / Using the New Dimension wizard
- Dimension Editor, using / Using the Dimension Editor
- single cube approach
- advantages / Creating multiple measure groups
- single currency
- data, collected in / Data collected in a single currency
- Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCDs)
- about / Modeling Slowly Changing Dimensions
- Type I SCDs / Type I SCDs
- Type II SCDs / Type II SCDs
- member status, handling / Handling member status
- Type III SCDs / Type III SCDs
- snapshot
- about / Snapshot and transaction fact tables
- snowflake schema
- about / Star schemas and snowflake schemas
- source database
- about / The source database
- OLTP database / The OLTP database
- data warehouse / The data warehouse
- data mart / The data mart
- SQL queries generation, cube processing
- dimension processing / Dimension processing
- dimensions, with joined tables / Dimensions with joined tables
- reference dimensions / Reference dimensions
- fact dimensions / Fact dimensions
- DISTINCT COUNT measure / Distinct Count measures
- indexes, in data mart / Indexes in the data mart
- SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) / DistinctCount, Simple calculations
- SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) / Creating data sources, Managing partitions
- SQL Server Profiler
- about / SQL Server Profiler
- SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) / Actions
- SSAS Data Directory
- maintenance / SSAS Data Directory maintenance
- star schemas
- about / Star schemas and snowflake schemas
- Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) / Using the New Dimension wizard
- Storage Engine / Understanding how Analysis Services processes queries
- stored procedures
- dynamic security with / Dynamic security with stored procedures
- Sum / Basic aggregation types
- surrogate keys
- about / Natural and surrogate keys
- for Date dimension / Natural and surrogate keys
- for Ranges dimension / Natural and surrogate keys
- Table Binding / Building partitions
- tabular models / Multidimensional and Tabular models
- template partition
- building / Building a template partition
- Time dimension
- configuring / Configuring a Time dimension
- configuring, benefits / Configuring a Time dimension
- time dimension / Concepts and prerequisites
- Time Intelligence wizard
- about / The Time Intelligence wizard
- TinyInt
- issues / Creating Data Source Views
- TopCount function / Dynamic named sets
- TotalMemoryLimit / Controlling the Analysis Services Memory Manager
- trace data
- used, for monitoring processing / Monitoring processing with trace data
- used, for monitoring queries / Monitoring queries with trace data
- used, for monitoring usage / Monitoring usage with trace data
- transactional data
- about / Details about transactional data
- transaction details dimension
- used for Drillthrough / Drillthrough using a transaction detail dimension
- transaction fact table
- about / Snapshot and transaction fact tables
- Type III SCDs
- about / Type III SCDs
- Type II SCDs
- about / Type II SCDs
- attribute relationships, modeling / Modeling attribute relationships on a Type II SCD
- Type I SCDs
- about / Type I SCDs
- *, unary operators / Unary operators and weights
- +, unary operators / Unary operators and weights
- -, unary operators / Unary operators and weights
- /, unary operators / Unary operators and weights
- unary operators
- about / Unary operators and weights
- + / Unary operators and weights
- - / Unary operators and weights
- * / Unary operators and weights
- / / Unary operators and weights
- ~ / Unary operators and weights
- UnknownMember / Handling processing errors
- Unknown Members feature
- about / Unknown Members, key errors, and NULLability
- unnatural user hierarchies / Configuring attribute relationships
- unprocess option, dimension processing / Dimension processing
- unprocess option, partition processing / Partition processing
- update option, dimension processing / Dimension processing
- usage
- monitoring / Monitoring usage
- monitoring, with trace data / Monitoring usage with trace data
- monitoring, with Performance Monitor counters / Monitoring usage with Performance Monitor counters
- monitoring, with Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) / Monitoring usage with Dynamic Management Views
- Usage-Based Optimization Wizard / Usage-Based Optimization
- Use an existing table option / Using the New Dimension wizard
- user hierarchies
- creating / Creating user hierarchies
- Use Service Account option / Creating data sources
- ~, unary operators / Unary operators and weights
- View Details button / Database processing
- views
- versus Data Source View (DSV) / Views versus the Data Source View
- virtual address space
- about / Memory
- Virtual Bytes / Performance counters
- Visible property / Creating user hierarchies
- Visual BASIC for Applications (VBA) / FormatString
- Warnings tab / Project deployment
- Windows Task Manager
- about / Windows Task Manager
- Working Set / Performance counters
- Working Set Peak / Performance counters
- about / XMLA
- Year-to-date calculations
- about / Year-to-date calculations